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Ray And Turbot Fishing Plus Shark In My Lobster Traps!!!
The reason you can't buy live tuna 🤨
How to ikejime a fish in under 30 seconds
Turbot And Brill Fishing On The Sandbanks - Plus Checking Lobster And Crab Traps!
Boat Fishing UK - Turbot Fishing On The Sandbanks - Lobster And Crab Fishing!
Catching GIANT Blonde Ray And HUGE Turbot On The Sandbanks - AMAZING Day Fishing Turns Into TRAGEDY!
Lobster Fishing - Fishing Sandbanks For Turbot And Rays - Sea Fishing UK
Big Turbot, Huge Shark Snaps Off And Mackerel Fishing - Drifting Sandbanks On My Fishing Boat!
Big Bull Huss Shark Gets Caught In The Lobster Traps - How Do They Get In? - UK Lobster Fishing
GIANT BLONDE RAY Smashes My Mackerel Bait While Drifting Sandbank! Big Lobsters In The Fishing Traps
Bad Days Fishing! Fishing For Mackerel, Turbot, Brill, Rays And Tope!!!
Shark Fishing UK - Hauling Lobster Traps - Sea Fishing UK